Summer Camp

Select a camp experience below for more information!



Summer camp at the Prospect Park Zoo means fun-filled days packed with animals, zoo explorations, new friendships and amazing experiences. Book a week of camp for your child and let their wildest adventure begin!

Scroll to the bottom to see the complete summer camp schedule.

Booking Tips:

  • Enter the camper's date of birth and select the correct grade. This ensures that only summer camps appropriate for their age/grade level are available for purchase.
      • You cannot edit once you move onto the next step in registration.
      • If you entered the incorrect camper DOB and/or grade, please email
  • Sessions are expected to fill quickly, so be sure to plan ahead and have backup camp dates and sessions ready.
  • WCS Members, please have your membership ID# ready. Entering it will unlock access to exclusive membership pricing.
Photo Credit: PPZ EDU Staff

Entering Kindergarten - 1st grade (must be 4 by start date)

Kinderzoo: Once Upon a Zoo

Once upon a time, there was a quaint zoo hidden in a park. According to legend, there are curious and colorful creatures living in this magical place! Campers will enjoy puppet shows, story time, animal interactions, and use their imagination during outdoor play. By the end of the week, each camper will have created their own storybook to tell everyone what they have learned!

This drop off camp is designed for those entering Kindergarten and 1st grade in the fall of 2025. One week per camper, but you can select one Week of Wildlife for 1st graders.

Entering 1st - 3rd Grade

Week of Wildlife: Captain Critter’s Adventure

Ahoy, explorers! Join us for a swashbuckling week of exploration at the zoo. Campers will embark on a week-long adventure, discovering how researchers around the world learn about and protect animals. Along the way, campers will participate in team activities, meet animals up close, enrich zoo animals and express their creativity through arts & crafts.

Camper must be entering 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade in the fall of 2025. This drop off camp is designed for those entering Kindergarten and 1st grade in the fall of 2025. One week per camper, but you can select one Kinderzoo for 1st graders.

Photo Credit: PPZ EDU Staff

Entering 4th - 6th grade

Zoo Explorer: Working with Wildlife

Ever dreamed of running the zoo? Get ready to explore the amazing world of zoo careers – there’s a lot more to it than zookeepers! Campers will explore various roles at the zoo and WCS through interactive activities, hands-on experiences, crafts, and interacting with animals in and out of the classroom. Some zoo experts join us to give campers an inside perspective of running a zoo.

One week per camper.


Kinderzoo: K-1st grade | Week of Wildlife: 1st-3rd grade | Zoo Explorer: 4th-6th grade

June 16 — June 20
5 day camp
Once Upon a Zoo
Captain Critter’s Adventure
June 23 — June 27

5 day camp

Once Upon a Zoo
Captain Critter’s Adventure
June 30 — July 3

4 - Day Camp

Captain Critter’s Adventure
Working with Wildlife
July 7 — July 11

5 day camp

Once Upon a Zoo
Working with Wildlife
July 14 — July 18

5 day camp

Once Upon a Zoo
Captain Critter’s Adventure
July 21 — July 25

5 day camp

Once Upon a Zoo
Working with Wildlife
July 28 — August 1
5 day camp
Once Upon a Zoo
Captain Critter’s Adventure
August 4 — August 8
5 day camp
Once Upon a Zoo
Captain Critter’s Adventure
August 11 — August 15
5 day camp
Captain Critter’s Adventure
Working with Wildlife
August 18 — August 22
5 day camp
Once Upon a Zoo
Working with Wildlife
August 25 — August 29
5 day camp
Once Upon a Zoo
Captain Critter's Adventure


$652.50 members / $725 regular (5 day camp)

$522 members / $580 regular(4 day camp)*

$180 members / $200 regular (5 day extended care)

$144 members / $160 regular (4 day extended care)*

*Prorated price the week of June 30- July 3

Extended Care

Extended Care is a great add-on option for caregivers who can't pick their summer camper up at 3:00pm, allowing caregivers to pick up anytime before 5:00pm. Extended Care includes free play, exhibit visits, and nature play exploration (weather permitting). Minimum number required to run the program. Add on items like Extended Care and additional summer camp t-shirts when adding your selected camp purchase to your cart.


Participants in this program will spend most of the day outdoors during a range of weather conditions, including heat, humidity, and precipitation, as well as travel over uneven, natural surfaces. Accommodations may be available. Please contact us for more information.

Our office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please call 800-433-4149 or email

Please visit the Prospect Park Zoo Know Before You Go page to review park policies related to COVID-19.

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